Is the best mattress for back pain an orthopedic mattress?

Well, lets take a look at the two most popular types of mattress…

1) Orthopedic Mattresses v Memory Foam Mattresses

Although many people favour memory foam mattresses I have my doubts.

Memory foam need to be of the highest quality and standard to alleviate back pain and keep it’s shape over the years. Reading online mattress reviews gives credence to this theory as there are many complaints by people, a few years in, with their memory foam that their weight has indented the mattress so much the support has disappeared. This is very important for the spine.

When I was suffering acute lower back pain using a memory foam mattress left me in even more pain in the morning! Cheaper memory foam has lower durability and memory retention than normal latex or natural mattress fillings.

So cheaper versions of memory foam mattresses should be avoided I believe plus cheaper memory foam mattresses can be uncomfortably hot giving a ‘hot water bottle’ sleeping experience for many people, if you have tension myositis syndrome then regulating your sweating and internal heat would already be a problem for you, you don’t want to make it worse!

On the other hand, good quality orthopedic mattresses offer fantastic support. The industry guarantee standard for orthopedic mattresses is often ten years or more. Your mattress, as well as alleviating your back pain should also be a preventative for future back pain.

By the way, if you’ve had your current mattress for more than ten years and you’re suffering with back pain then you should really think about getting a new mattress.

Posture problems may begin with a bad mattress and this is even more important in the case of children, sleeping on poor quality mattresses can affect their posture for years to come if they aren’t well supported for a third of their lives (sleeping).

2)Orthopedic Mattresses


Orthopedic mattresses come in two versions there are the sprung (with mainly pocket springs) or unsprung versions.

Sprung mattresses are more expensive and the best fillings are latex or other natural fibres such as wool or coconut fibres.

Synthetic fillings are used in less expensive mattresses.

Latex fillings are durable,  long lasting and hypo-allergenic. They are also flexible and hold their ‘spring back’ retention capacities for years, even under heavy weights.

Orthopedic mattresses =support as a speciality.

Spinal support is important because even when we’re lying down, spinal discs still have 20-30 % gravitational pull placed on them and the spinal vertebrae are always pressing down on the discs too.

During sleep it’s important that the spine is placed in the right alignment so there is less pressure on the joints and discs as the person sleeps.

It may not be an exaggeration to say that thousands of people, even millions could be suffering back pain and other joint problems because they haven’t invested in a high quality orthopedic mattress.

BTW-If you suffer from insomnia here’s a useful article-insomnia remedies

Modern Orthopedic Mattresses

Modern orthopedic mattresses are more streamlined and softer than they used to be. They still offer support at the trigger pain points in the body where the body sinks down as it sleeps i.e. the hips, knees and lower back areas. They’re just not ‘rock hard’ so it’s an illusion to think a rock hard bed is the best for a bad back. You do though, need a high quality mattress.

3) The real cost of a high quality orthopedic mattress

A good quality orthopaedic mattress won’t be cheap but you need to compare the cost to the real cost of NOT having one!

It’s also a 10 year investment in your future health and well being, so it’s worth treating yourself over it.

Bear in mind as well that we spend around a third of our lives asleep!

The health gains of a good mattress for body and mind these can outweigh the financial pain and you just can’t put a value on a good night’s sleep!

Mattresses last longer than an average car yet, prices for a good orthopedic mattress can range from the high end $650 to the reasonably priced $150.00.

4) Conclusion

Aside from possibly a new gel mattress (quite expensive) and used in hospitals- the best mattress for back pain would be a latex filled, sprung orthopaedic mattress.

I use one myself and it saved the day for me when I was in agony! It helped me sleep which made the difference between night and day when you’re in chronic pain.